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Watchlist Pro

  • Category Entertainment
  • Size31.58 MB
  • RequirementsAndroid 0 and up
  • Downloads 200,000,000+
  • Package Name
  • Content Rating Everyone


1. Personalized Tracking: Watchlist Pro lets users keep track of movies and TV shows they're interested in, so they can easily see when new episodes are available or when a film is released.

2. Notifications & Alerts: The app sends timely notifications for new episode releases and movie premieres, ensuring that users never miss out on their favorite content.

3. Comprehensive Database: With a vast collection of titles, Watchlist Pro offers detailed information about shows and movies, including cast, crew, synopsis, and ratings, enabling informed viewing decisions.


1. Limited Database Coverage: Watchlist Pro may not have an extensive database, which can lead to missing titles or insufficient information about certain movies and TV shows, limiting its usefulness for some users.

2. User Interface Issues: The app might have an interface that some users find less intuitive or challenging to navigate, hindering the overall user experience and making it difficult to manage their watchlists effectively.

3. No Social Features: The absence of social integration can be a con for users who want to share their lists or get recommendations from friends, as it lacks the functionality to connect and interact with a community of movie and TV enthusiasts.

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